my name is Hannes Lutzenberger, I’m 33 years old and live near Munich/Germany. I probably took over to the love for aviation from my father, who has been modeling for 40 years. My absolute favorite airplane is the Gee Bee R2. I am fascinated by this machine since I first saw Delmar Benjamin flying the full scale for the first time. Over the last years I built the Gee Bee in many different sizes incl. different engines. My preference for airplanes is the replica of unusual and rare machines. In 2015 I built, together with Markus Rummer, the world’s only P51 Mustang with a contra-rotating propeller system. This airplane flew at the RENO Air Races known as “Precious Metal”. In 2016 I built, together with Gernot Bruckmann, the world’s smallest man-bearing jet – the BD5J Microjet. Flying is part of my life like breathing air. The more difficult and time-consuming a project is, the more enjoyment it makes to me – true to the motto: If you can dream it, you can built it!
Best wishes,
Hannes Lutzenberger