The Czech Indoor Season ended on Saturday 31.3. in Hodonín at the Czech Championship that included an announcement of the Czech Indoor Aerobatic Cup winners. We would like to congratulate Adam Hrbáček, who started the season as a novice in the F3P AA but won all competitions he had participated during the season. Apart from Champion of the Czech Republic he also took the first place in Czech Indoor Aerobatic Cup. Good job Adam! We asked Adam to shortly summarize his first season with the JETI DC 24 transmitter and where he sees the greatest benefits of flying not the cheapest but high-quality electronics:
JETI is the leader among manufacturers of remote control and related electronics. And while we flew “just” indoor models, we’ve seen a couple of pilots having problems with Chinese receivers. The build process of these models takes dozens of hours so you really don’t want to risk any damage. The high-quality equipment simply pays off.
Team pilot Jan Špatný ranked second in the RCHP Pylons category and ended third in the Freestyle and Air Race in the Czech Indoor Aerobatic Cup. He has won two medals at the Championship of the Czech Republic: 3rd place in F3P AP and second place in pylon racing RCHP. We were glad to see the JETI Model transmitters in the hands of rookie class pilots Radek Raja (2nd place at the Czech Championship) and František Horna (3rd place at the Czech Championship) as well as in hands of the top-class pilot and regular participant of Worlds championship Jiří Šotola.
Are you wondering how indoor planes fly? Take a look at the slowest category of F3P AP and the fastest indoor pylon race: